How to install Wordpad?

Installation of Wordpad, its not possible cause its a feature application

that is available in all operating system.

Microsoft developed an operating system concerning

the basic use of the application , which will be free to use this.

There are many free applications that are not required to install it.

Free Basic application that is available in all Windows operating system.

  1. Notepad
  2. Wordpad
  3. MS Paint
  4. Internet Explorer
  5. File Explorer
  6. Calculator
  7. Windows Media Player
  8. Calender
  9. XPS Viewer
  10. Image Viewer
  11. Command Promt

 Each application has been developed for different use.

    Use of Wordpad to creating graphical documents.
    Use of Notepad to create a text file
    MS paint is used for creating an image file or editing
    Internet exploer are used for browing urls
    calculator is use to calculate the numeric or scientific values
    Windows Media play that is use to play music and videos with limited file format
    Calender is use for checking the day date and years
    XPS Viewer allows you to view the .xps files
    image viewer help you to view the image file with limted file format
    Command Prompt is use for given instruction to computer the console medium .